Featured Insights
Our latest thinking on Customer Base Management, Data Science for Consulting, Strategic AI and AI & ML in Practice

Robust One-Hot Encoding
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Robust One-Hot Encoding
Production grade one-hot encoding techniques in Python and R.

AI Transformation — Success Beyond Data Quality Perfection
Debunking the fallacy that AI transformation requires flawless data to be effective.

Apply AI: Unleashing LLMs in your business
Discover Four Innovative Tactics to Propel Your Business Forward and Secure Your Advantage with Large Language Models.

ChatGPT on Data Science
The following is an interview with ChatGPT on Data Science topics. All text is generated by the prompts.

The Evolution of Money
From cowrie shells to cryptocurrencies — the co-evolution of money and our economy

Data Science for Real
Transforming property management with advanced analytics and machine learning

The Future of Data Science
Three key trends influencing the future of data science and what you can do to take advantage of the coming opportunities